Snohomish Regional Fire & Rescue

School Education Programs for High School

Impact Teen Driving

The Impact Teen Driver program focuses on teaching teenagers and new drivers about the impact distracted or impaired driving can have on them. The lesson is a 50-55 minute presentation given by firefighters demonstrating the rippling effects it can have on the student, their family, and friends.

One of Snohomish Regional Fire & Rescue's goals is to educate our citizens on prevention so we can create safer communities. Partnering with the high schools in our district helps us reach a large majority of new drivers, which in turn helps us create safer roads for everyone. If you would like to schedule a visit from Snohomish Regional Fire & Rescue to your classroom please fill out the online request form and you will be contacted by our Public Educatio Department. If you are not with a school but would still like this information presented to a group please fill out the online request form. For scheduling purposes, please submit your request for a visit at least 3 weeks in advance.

Virtual Hands Only CPR for High School

Snohomish Regional Fire & Rescue also provides resources for teachers to teach Hands Only or Certified CPR Classes.

If you are homeschooling, check out this home education lesson geared towards students in High School.