Snohomish Regional Fire & Rescue

Firefighter Homeschool Lesson Details

  • This lesson aligns with the following standard(s):
    • Civics:
      • C1.2.4
      • C1.1.3
      • C1.5.2
      • C4.2.2
      • C4.2.3
    • History:
      • H1.4.1
Instructor Companion
Enrichment Homework
  • Civics
    • C1.2.4 Explore and give examples of services (e.g., police and fire protection, maintenance of roads, snow removal, etc.)
    • C1.1.3 Explore and give examples of services a government provides (e.g., teachers, police and fire protection, maintenance of roads, snow removal, etc.)
    • C1.5.2 Identify core virtues and democratic principles found in foundational national documents that guide government, societies, and communities.
    • C4.2.2 Explain, give examples, and demonstrate ways to show good citizenship at school and in the community.
    • C4.2.3 Describe the importance of civic participation and locate examples (e.g., food drive) that help the school or community.
  • History
    • H1.4.1 Create timelines to show how historical events are organized into time periods and eras.